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»It's a small world« – this is not only a saying, but our day-to-day business when it comes to used forklift logistics!

We ship your forklift – anywhere around the globe

Our customers can be found all around the planet. Whether shipping via truck all across Europe and to the Middle East, in a container to Asia or via RoRo to the USA – we know what counts when shipping forklifts. We combine our knowledge with that of experienced shipping partners and solve your shipping problems before they even become an issue. If requested, we deliver your ordered vehicle anywhere on this planet.


If you are located in one of our primary sales markets in Europe we offer groupage shipping:

This applies especially to Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, Italy, Croatia, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and the Czech Republic.

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You want to get rid of your “old” used forklift? We buy it.